
Fiber Optics

The demand for faster data speeds and overall volume of data is increasing at a remarkable pace.

Many fiber customers, including data center owners, are looking for redundant or diverse routes to minimize planned and unplanned interruption periods. With technology and data becoming seamlessly ingrained in society and business operations, downtime can have major effects on daily life and loss of revenue.

Diode Ventures builds, owns and operates dark fiber infrastructure and networks  for technology companies that have a high demand for diverse fiber connectivity to their sites.

Contact us if you have inquiries about our fiber business.

Many fiber customers, including data center owners, are looking for redundant or diverse routes to minimize planned and unplanned interruption periods. With technology and data becoming seamlessly ingrained in society and business operations, downtime can have major effects on daily life and loss of revenue.

Diode Ventures builds, owns and operates dark fiber infrastructure and networks  for technology companies that have a high demand for diverse fiber connectivity to their sites.

Contact us if you have inquiries about our fiber business.

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Many fiber customers, including data center owners, are looking for redundant or diverse routes to minimize planned and unplanned interruption periods. With technology and data becoming seamlessly ingrained in society and business operations, downtime can have major effects on daily life and loss of revenue.

Diode Ventures builds, owns and operates dark fiber infrastructure and networks  for technology companies that have a high demand for diverse fiber connectivity to their sites.

Contact us if you have inquiries about our fiber business.


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Diode Ventures®

11401 Lamar Avenue
Overland Park, KS 66211
United States of America

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